We only follow Nature in our arts

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)


«We all, as experts, thinking of strokes, are well aware of these “red-black” markers: age, long-term somatic chronic pathology, primarily, cardiovascular: arrhythmia, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity II-III, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, that not only accompany strokes, but turn their treatment and rehabilitation into a total, often unpromising challenge, limiting the use of restorative resources, protracting rehabilitation for a long time, exhausting the relatives, and the interdisciplinary rehabilitation teams.

Imagine the situation, when we see all the above said complications in the patient with acute hemorrhagic stroke (up to 3 months from the date of the stroke occurred) , after two ischemic strokes in a row in the stem-cerebral location, encompassing adjoining ischemic surrounding areas of the brain, in result of swelling, aggravated with occlusive hydrocephalus and the dislocation syndrome, the patient survived 3-month coma and up to 6-month post-coma consciousness disorder.

It is all about this patient – Tetyana Grygorivnaсь, 59 y.o. This is her clinical case. However, the Nodus team and her relatives defied the negative prognosis and made a 9-month successful inpatient acgrssive technological neuro rehabilitation, that allowed Tetayana, Professor from Odessa region, get back to the society. Because REHABILITATION is RECOVERY&RESTORATION!

Today the patient is at home. Her outpatient rehabilitation will be further implemented by doctors in Odessa, though we will be updated on her progress!

Once you talk about a long-term coma II (up to several months), and then – a long-lasting vegetative state, saying it is the end, Remember Tetyana Grygorivna! Be all healthy!

The photos and the info is provided upon the patient’s and her relatives consent. The photos illustrate the main stages of the inpatient rehabilitation, a surgery intervention inclusive.

The pictures were given as a gift to NODUS team in gratitude for the hard road of recovery by the patient”

Oleaxndr Kulyk, Director, NODUS

The patient underwent specialized inpatient neurorehabilitation according to the created individual rehabilitation program (IRP):

  • Kinesiotherapy/mechanotherapy (THERA Vital/ MOTOmed)
  • Verticalization with BALANCE Trainer
  • Verticalization session in walking simulator
  • Kinesiotherapy with S-E-T
  • Rhythmic transcranial & transvertebral magnetic stimulation
  • Electric stimulation of the median nerves (NEUROSOFT) (cortex, brain stem);
  • Polymodal brain stimulation
  • Spyrometry
  • Exercise therapy session
  • Occupational therapy. Bisibord;
  • Vertikalization with Easy Stand GLIDER;
  • Заняття з розвитком вертикалізаційної ходьби;
  • Walking training session;
  • Neuro electrostimulation, petal electrodes
  • Neuro electrostimulation, carbon electrodes

Kinesiotherapy/mechanotherapy (THERA Vital/ MOTOmed)

Verticalization with BALANCE Trainer

Verticalization session in walking simulator

Kinesiotherapy with S-E-T

Kinesiotherapy with S-E-T

Rhythmic transcranial & transvertebral magnetic stimulation

Electric stimulation of the median nerves (NEUROSOFT) (cortex, brain stem);


Exercise therapy session

Exercise therapy session

Occupational therapy. Bisibord;

Vertikalization with Easy Stand GLIDER

Vertikalization with Easy Stand GLIDER

The patient successfully completed the individual in-patient rehabilitation with the following positive dynamics:

  • The motion activity is improved from tetraparesis (S-2, D-3 points) to left-side lateral tetraparesis (S-3, D-4 points);
  • The patient is able to get up from a wheelchair and sit down without assistance, helping herself propping on the wall;
  • The standing without propping on the knees is restored, the writing is restored (the patient can write and draw, holding a pen in the right hand), the patient can eat, holding a spoon in the right hand.
  • Phonation and articulation are improved;
  • The patient is able to walk without assistance the distance up to 100 m, holding to a handrail. Now she is mastering the walking using crutches.

In a satisfactory condition the patient is dismissed from Nodus for further rehabilitation at the place of residence.

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!