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The history of the foundation of the Scientific & Practical Center for Neuro-Rehabilitation "Nodus", began in the far 2001, although has a starting point on October 28, 2008- the day of opening of the Centre.

Within the walls of the Zhytomyr Regional Clinical Hospital named after O.F. Herbachevsky, the Center of Neurosurgery, the first ideas of creating a specialized outpatient service that would exclusively deal with the rehabilitation of neurosurgical patients, after completion of their inpatient treatment, in order to ensure the continuity of the entire medical process, its optimization, and the patients ‘ feedback on the effectiveness of the applied techniques, were born. It was about providing medical rehabilitation, that would combine the outpatient and “at home” types of care to offer complete, modern, highly specialized medical assistance to neurosurgical patients: from diagnosis to nursing of each patient.

At that time we defined the core concept of the "rehabilitation itinerary of the patient".

Many discussions were held in the circle of colleagues, controversial issues raised from library shelves and discussed dozens of different techniques, methods of the outpatient rehabilitation, focusing on the specific, effective methodologies, which in a few months of the implementation found their first patients.

The results were impressive.

The neurosurgeons, who worked at that time at the Zhytomyr Neurosurgery Center, were gifted students of their brilliant mentors, whose names are forever written in the history of the onset and the rise of the neurosurgery in Ukraine.

Today we are grateful to the following outstanding neurosurgeons, for their invaluable practical experience, their scientific and academic skills: Messrs Volodymyr Petrovych Gordiychuk, Bogdan Petrovich Kovbasyuk, Volodymyr Gavrilovych Ushakov, Ivan Mikhailovich Vaschchenko.

Moreover, the distinguished Messrs O.I Arutyunov, A.P.Romodanov, Yu.P.Zozulya, G.O.Pedachenko, M.E.Polishchuk, L.E.Pelech, I.S. Glushkov, A.L.Dukhin, TS.M.Sorochinsky, T.S. Danilenko, MI Shamayev, O.E.Dunaevsky, Potopnin P.V. were mentors, in their turn, to the above mentioned scientists&surgeons.

Therefore, we may say that the Ukrainian school of neurosurgeons, born in the Kiev Institute of Neurosurgery named after the Academic A.P Romodanov, continued in pupils who, having acquired their knowledge, skills, talent of surgery, thorough scientific research, traveled to the regions of the country, created not only a solid foundation for the development of neurosurgery, but also for many other neurosciences, crossing with the daily practice of neurosurgeons.

This is proved by Nodus, the “NODUS” rehabilitation concept, as well as by Our Team of the center - the students of the above-named doctors of the Zhytomyr region, students of the founders of the academic neurosurgery and related neurodisciplines: MessrsYuriy Panuzovych Zozulya, Yevgeniy Georgiyevych Pedachenko, Vitaliy Ivanovych Tsymbaliuk , Romodanov Sergey Andreyevich, Polishchuk Mykola Efremovych, Shamayev Mikhail Ivanovich, Orlov Yuriy Aleksandrovich, Trosh Rustem Memetovich, Verbova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Lisyanogy Nikolai Ivanovich, Chipko Leonard Petrovich, Chebotaryova Lydia Lvovna, Stepanenko Iryna Volodymyrivna, Glavatsky Oleksandr Yakovlevich, Semenova Vera Mikhailovna, Kulikov Dmitry Vasilyevich, Oleg Petrovich Robak.

However, this list of the renowned doctors, scientists, who shared their ideas, beliefs, the essence of the practical neurosurgery with us, drawn our attention to its focal points and contradictions, the prognosis of neurosurgical patients in the absence of a proper stage of the post- inpatient medical care in hospitals, is not yet full.

We would also like to rememeber the honorable Messrs Tretiak Igor Bogdanovich, Khmelnytsky Gennady Vladimirovich, Kondratuk Vasil Viktorovych., Sambor Vladimir Kuzmich, Kyevorkov Georgy Andreyevych, Onishchenko Petr Mikhaylovych, Radionov Alexander Georgiyevych., Bolyuh Andrei Sergeyevich, Glushchenko Yuriy Nikolayevich, Myronyak Lyudmila Anatoliyevna, Vitryhovska Alexandra Mikhaylovna., Globa Marina Vassilyevna , Svist Andriy Alekseevich, Verbov Vadim Vitaliyovych, Huk Nikolay Alexandrovich.

Daily work and training in the team of the Keiv Institute of Neurosurgery named after the Academic Romodanov, from 2002 to 2008 determined the priority and focal points of the rehabilitation concept of our center, which we began to implement in October 2011.

By supporting our intentions with innovative, highly computerized diagnostic and rehabilitation treatment technologies, used in leading clinics around the world, visiting similar institutions in Japan, Germany, the USA, we have further developped the ideas of our teachers, we have been able to restore the confidence of Ukrainian citizens in the Ukrainian medicine, and prove that effective medicine is available in Ukraine and it is represented by the effecient centers of health care.

Moreover, we have managed to change the paradigm of providing specialized outpatient care to patients with central and peripheral nervous system lesions.

Years pass by ….. we continue writing the history of Nodus.

We continue making THE LIST, writing down the names of our patients, both those, who are alive and those, who regretfully were not able to survive until the first working day of the center.

The names of investors, philanthropists, supporting the project "NODUS", who trusted us and took the initiative in the name of something bigger, than just business

The names of our family members, who are waiting for us at home, suffering from the lack of our attention, lack of our presence.

The names of some representatives of the state authorities, who, despite legislative contradictions, problems with the implementation, found mechanisms and contributed to the establishment of the NODUS center, rendering valuable legal and administrative support.

And of course, the history of ourselves - the NODUS TEAM- is on this List.

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!