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ACHIEVEMENTS of the patient ILLYA L.

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)

ACHIEVEMENTS of the patient ILLYA L.

Illya L, born in 2002, received a severe cranio-cerebral trauma (TBI), as a result of a car accident – the boy was overrun by a car on a pedestrian crossing of the road. The first aid was given in Boyarka City hospital, then the patient was transferred to Kyiv Children’s City Hospital #7

In June 2012 the patient was admitted to NODUS for the inpatient specialized rehabilitation.

At hospitalization the patient was not able to have the contact with. He had the following disorders:

  • Post-coma consciousness disorder (vegetative status)

  • Tetraplegia (complete adynamia, no movements in the limbs)

  • Pseudobulbaric disorders (inability to swallow on his own, nutrition through a nasogastric tube)

  • Plevic dysfunction

  • Metabolism disorders

  • Patient had a canule

  • Some flexural contracture in all major joints

  • Trophic disorders

The patient received the inpatient and outpatient specialized neurorehabilitation according to the created Individual program of Rehabilitation (IPR), that included the following sessions:

  • Hardware verticalization on a verticalization platform with an estimation of the parameters of the main system

  • Therapeutic rhythmic transcranial and transvertible magnetic stimulation

  • Electric stimulation of the mediastinal nerves with Neurosoft (trunk, cortex) session

  • Neuroacoustic programming

  • СРМ-therapy with Kinetek Breva, Performa, Maestro

  • Session with Biodeх 4 pro

  • Verticalization with Balance Trainer

  • Session with Virtual visual Reality (VR) with biofeedback with MOVE sensors

  • Functional arm & hand therapy with Armeo Spring

  • Verticalization session in walking simulator

  • Session for active and passive rehabilitation of the lower and upper limbs (MOTOmed / THERA-vital )

  • Session with the development of verticalization walking

  • Kinesiotherapy with S-E-T

  • Hydrotherapy with elements of exercise therapy in water

  • Manual therapy

  • Exercise therapy

  • Speech therapist session, speech therapist massage, stimulation

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy

  • Session with Biodeх 4 pro

CPM therapy

Verticalization with Balance Trainer

Functional arm & hand therapy with Armeo Spring

Session for active and passive rehabilitation of the lower and upper limbs with MOTOmed

Hydrotherapy with elements of exercise therapy in water

Kinesiotherapy with S-E-T

Session with Virtual visual Reality (VR) with biofeedback with MOVE sensors

Session for active and passive rehabilitation of the lower and upper limbs with THERA Vital

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Session with the development of verticalization walking

Session with Biodex 4 Pro

The patient successfully completed the individual rehabilitation with the following positive results:

  • the level of consciousness for reintegration of the consciousness is improved

  • tetraplegia decreased to moderate paresis in the left limbs and the light paresis - in the right limbs

  • feeding through the mouth and control over the pelvic function is restored

  • the walking with walkers and physical therapist assistance is restored

  • there is a constant improvement in daily life activity

  • the memory, reading abilities are improved

  • the volume of active and passive movements in the joints of the limbs is restored

  • the metabolism disorders eliminated

  • trophic disorder eliminated

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!